Quantum Information in Spain (ICE)
Is a conference series that provides a gathering for discussion to researchers working in quantum information science and technologies in Spain, and is open to any researcher working in the field.
The conference will take place online from 10th to 14th of May 2021

Workshop organized by the MICINN/AEI Spanish
Research Network RITCE RED2018-102707-E
ICE covers all aspects of the field
Quantum communication and cryptography, quantum computation and simulation, quantum metrology and sensing, quantum information theory, quantum thermodynamics, photonics, trapped ions, enabling technologies and fabrication.
Important deadlines
Submission of abstracts: open until 18th of April
Confirmation of selected contributions: 3st of May
Registration will be open to 3st of May
Please leave us a message in the form below if you have any question, need to contact any member in the group or need to report any content in this webpage.